Continuity brings scrollable widescreen wallpapers to jailbroken iPhones
Anthony Bouchard, 2019

Hi, I'm Johnny, a Computer Engineering student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. My coding journey began in high school, and I've been enthralled by various aspects of computer science ever since. From websites and mobile apps to machine learning and data processing, I'm passionate about using technology to make a difference in my community. I recently completed a summer internship at Apple, gaining valuable experience in the field. Continuously seeking new challenges, I'm excited to see where my passion for computer engineering takes me in the future.
One of my favorite fields of computer science is mobile application development. I started developing apps for iOS devices when I was young and they were some of my first programming projects. I later expanded on these skills in high school when I took a mobile application development class. I am proficient with both iOS and Andriod app development and know standard languages such as Swift, Objective-C, and Java to develop these apps. I am also very famliar and use both Xcode and Andriod Studio frequently.
Conant Map
One field I have particularly a lot of experience is in Web Development. I have 5+ years of web experience and I work with both frontend and backend. I've built up web infrastructures from scratch for public use complete with custom-built login systems and encryption. I have experience both creating and using APIs in my projects both RESTful and socket-based. I enjoy building websites with new technology and custom designs I make myself using tools like Photoshop and Illustrator. Like this one!
Spread Positivity
CompSci Kids
Creation of Mobile Applications for iOS and Android
Swift, Objective-C, Java, Xcode, Android Studio
Development of many websites using modern tools
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SASS, ReactJS
Extensive work using and building backend services and APIs.
NodeJS, Express, Python, C++, PHP
Built many video games both from large games to small mobile games
Unity, C#, Java, Swift, SceneKit
Experience with a lot of cloud computing platforms and using/managing a VPS
AWS, Firebase, Digital Ocean
Built many tweaks that hooked into the iOS operating system of jailbroken phones to change how some methods worked
Objective-C, THEOS, Hooking, Package Managers
Please reach out if you have any questions or would like to work with me!